Tuesday, 30 August 2011

How to create boho braids

This summer, Oana and me visited Chic Salon and in a couple of hours we learned how to make boho braids and bows out of our own hair. These hairstyles are an alternative for pony tails and buns when the weather is hot and you can't wear your hair down. I will also wear them this fall for my 70's hippie inspired outfits.

În această vară, Oana şi cu mine am vizitat Salonul Chic şi in vreo 2 ore am invatat cum se fac impletituri boho şi fundite din propriul par. Aceste coafuri sunt o alternativa pentru cozile simple sau cocuri atunci când e ft cald şi nu poti purta parul desprins. Am de gand sa port astfel de impletituri si in toamna asta, ca accesoriu pt tinutele hippie inspirate din anii '70.
The second one is my favourite because it creates fake bangs, and I can tell you it's pretty easy to make ( I tried it at home by watching the tutorial on Divahair.ro)
A doua coafura e preferata mea - creeaza un breton fals :) Va asigur ca nu e grea deloc, am refacut-o si eu acasa, singura, uitandu-ma la tutorialul Divahair.ro.


Just look how cute Oana was with the big bow!// Oana era atat de dulce cu funda mare in par!
I was wearing: H&M dress, MiniPrix wedges, jewelry - Avon, H&M, Casio watch

Photo credits: of course Alex Buruntia!

Monday, 8 August 2011

Back in the days

After a full first half of year, I finally took 2 weeks off to visit my grandmas. I will also spend some time by the seaside at the end of the week - I'm now praying for good weather! 
As both my grandmas live in the countryside, I took some nature pictures  I will show you soon but no outfit ones.. So, here are some old photos, back in the days I was studying at school, feeling tired and overwhelmed.
Glad those days are over :) Now I gotta run and play with 4 kittens yeeeeey. Have I told you I'm a huge CAT lover?

Dupa o prima jumatate de an foarte plina, mi-am luat in sfarsit 2 saptamani de concediu pentru a-mi vizita bunicile. La sfarsitul saptamanii voi pleca la mare - Doamne ajuta sa fie vreme buna! 
Cum ambele bunici stau la tara, am facut cateva poze cu natura, dar nici una cu vreo tinuta .. Deci, azi va arat câteva fotografii vechi, facute pe vremea cand invatam pt licenta si ma simteam obosita si copleşita. Ma bucur ca am trecut peste perioada aia :) Acum tre' sa fug sa ma joc cu 4 pui de pisica. V-am spus pana acum cat de mult iubesc pisicile?

dress - Villa; cardigan - Miss Selfridge, flats - Zara, 
big pearl necklace - Asos, black ring & necklace - Avon

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Margotte & the Fashionistas

I am proud to be one of the 5 Fashionistas involved in the new project of Diva Hair and Margotte. Each of us has created 2 outfits, by adding a personal touch to the items on the site. The result was something very special as we were all very very different :) The photos were taken at Cafepedia by Alex Buruntia (thaaaanks, Alex!)
You can see all 10 outfits in the Community of Fashionistas. For one week, 3-10 August, you will be able to vote. On August 11th the likes from both photos of each fashionista will be added and that will determine the final standings.

Everyone who votes will automatically enter the competition for a voucher of 100 RON from Margotte. The winner will be chosen by lot on 11 August.

Enter the Community of Fashionistas and vote your favorite outfit! And be sure to check the Women Fashion section for future inspiration!

Sunt mandra sa fiu una din cele 5 fashioniste implicate in noul proiect Diva Hair si Margotte. Fiecare din noi a creat 2 tinute, accesorizand hainutele de pe site in stilul propriu. La final a iesit ceva cu totul special pentru ca eram foarte foarte diferite :) Fotografiile au fost realizate la Cafepedia si prin imprejurimi de catre Alex Buruntia (multumiiim, Alex!)
Puteti vedea toate tinutele in Comunitatea Fashionistelor. Timp de o saptamana, in perioada 3-10 august, le veti putea vota. Pe 11 august se vor aduna like-urile de la ambele tinute, pentru fiecare fashionista in parte, si se va stabili clasamentul final. 

Toate persoanele care voteaza vor intra automat in concurs pentru un voucher de 100 RON de la Margotte. Castigatoarea va fi aleasa prin tragere la sorti pe data de 11 august.

Intra in Comunitatea Fashionistelor si voteaza tinuta favorita! Viziteaza si sectiunea Moda Femei pentru mai multa inspiratie!
Vote this outfit HERE
 Margotte skirt and vest, Mini Prix heels and Meli Melo rings 

Vote this outfit HERE
 Margotte dress, Asos boots, Mini's rings, Dasha clutch won here

Cristina, me, Oana, Manuela and Cristina from Diva Hair

  I was wearing vintage pants & belt, H&M top, Bershka necklace, Stradivarius wedges

Thanks again, Oana, for fixing my hair at this photoshoot (check her blog for more tutorials) and for the wonderful words you said about me!

***you can click on the photos to see them in a bigger size. Alex did such a great job that it was a shame to upload the smaller versions //puteti da click pe poze pt a le vedea marite. Alex a facut o treaba asa de buna ca era pacat sa le fac mici 

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