Tuesday, 30 August 2011

How to create boho braids

This summer, Oana and me visited Chic Salon and in a couple of hours we learned how to make boho braids and bows out of our own hair. These hairstyles are an alternative for pony tails and buns when the weather is hot and you can't wear your hair down. I will also wear them this fall for my 70's hippie inspired outfits.

În această vară, Oana şi cu mine am vizitat Salonul Chic şi in vreo 2 ore am invatat cum se fac impletituri boho şi fundite din propriul par. Aceste coafuri sunt o alternativa pentru cozile simple sau cocuri atunci când e ft cald şi nu poti purta parul desprins. Am de gand sa port astfel de impletituri si in toamna asta, ca accesoriu pt tinutele hippie inspirate din anii '70.
The second one is my favourite because it creates fake bangs, and I can tell you it's pretty easy to make ( I tried it at home by watching the tutorial on Divahair.ro)
A doua coafura e preferata mea - creeaza un breton fals :) Va asigur ca nu e grea deloc, am refacut-o si eu acasa, singura, uitandu-ma la tutorialul Divahair.ro.


Just look how cute Oana was with the big bow!// Oana era atat de dulce cu funda mare in par!
I was wearing: H&M dress, MiniPrix wedges, jewelry - Avon, H&M, Casio watch

Photo credits: of course Alex Buruntia!


  1. Chiar ma gandeam ca nu ai mai scris de mult timp pe blog si iata ca ai revenit cu o postare atat de draguta :)

  2. hehe :) multumesc! sunt putin ocupata cu decorarea noului apartament, umblu dupa electrocasnice etc :p

  3. A 2-a coafura e pur si simplu superba! Iti sta foarte bine cu parul prins asa. :D

  4. ms, Claudia! cred ca ar trebui sa fac un tutorial video ca sa inteleaga toata lumea cum se impleteste :)

  5. That looks gorgeous! I love the dress as well. You have a really cool fashion sense, and your blog is lovely. I'm definitely keeping an eye on you and your gorgeous clothes! If you have time, I would love it if you checked out my fashion blog. If you like it and decide to follow back that would be lovely, but ONLY if you REALLY like it! Hope to hear from you soon and looking forward to more posts!




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