Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Launch party for Comunitatea fashionistelor (Community of Fashionistas)

The launch party for the Community of Fashionistas took place at Cafepedia, a couple of weeks ago. Not only that the wonderful Oana from DivaHair invited me to this event, but she also had a suprise for me: an award for being the most active fashionista of the community. After presenting the video we shot in Cismigiu ( you'll see the making of in the next post), she asked for Andreea and me to come upfront and to receive our awards. I got a great clutch from, Tigi hair products from and a voucher from
It was a great evening, we drank Cointreaupolitans, ate a delicious cake and talked a loooot, not because of the alcohol, but because we are now getting to know each other and we have a lot to tell :)
The dress code was Be Glamorous, so I chose a vintage sparkly dress, Zara heels, Avon sequined clutch and of course, my dark violet lipstick <3

Petrecerea de lansare pentru Comunitatea Fashionistelor a avut loc la Cafepedia, in urma cu vreo doua săptămâni. Nu numai minunata Oana de la DivaHair m-a invitat la acest eveniment, dar a avut, de asemenea, o surpriză pentru mine: un premiu pentru ca am fost cea mai activa fashionista a comunităţii. După ce a prezentat materialul video pe care l-am filmat in Cismigiu (detalii despre el in postul urmator), ne-a rugat pe Andreea şi pe mine să venim in fata pt a ne ridica premiile. Am  primit un plic, produse de păr de la Tigi - şi un voucher de la
A fost o seara superba, am baut Cointreaupolitans, am mâncat din tortul delicios şi a vorbit muuuuult, nu din cauza alcoolului, ci pentru că abia acum ne cunoaştem şi avem multe de spus :)
Dress code -ul a fost Fii Glamorous, aşa că am ales o rochie vintage sclipitoare, tocuri Zara, clutch cu paieteAvon şi, bineînţeles, rujul meu violet inchis <3

photos made by Sandra, she had some trouble with the camera, as you can see, but I kinda like the result; I also can't stop laughing at my legs in the last photo :)) // pozele astea au fost facute de Sandra, a avut ceva probleme cu camera, dupa cum se vede, dar imi place ce a iesit; plus ca nu ma pot opri din ras cand imi vad picioarele in ultima poza :))


I posted the video below, it's a sort of introduction to the Community of Fashionistas and it describes the steps to follow it you want to become a fashionista! // Am pus si materialul video, e o introducere in Comunitatea fahsionistelor; puteti vedea si care sunt pasii pe care trebuie sa ii urmati pt a intra in Comunitate! 

DIVA HAIR - Comunitatea Fashionistelor from on Vimeo.

My special moment... Thank you again, Oana! // Momentul meu special.. Iti multumesc din nou, Oana!
 Del'ice cake

  at the end, group photos!
 with Oliviana and the lovely Oana

 Simona made jokes because we were taller than her :) but she was more naked :))


  1. Ma bucur ca am reusit sa citesc si feed-back-ul tau :) Te pup si sper sa reusim sa facem o noua reuniune cat de curand :D

  2. Foarte frumoasa rochita, mai ales partea de sus <3

    Julie from

  3. @Oana: hai sa ne organizam si sa ne mai intalnim intr-o dupa-masa! :D

  4. @koko: esti o dulce, ms mult! :*

  5. @jilie: si mie imi place partea de sus mai mult, as vrea o rochita doar din material d-ala <3 :*


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