Tuesday, 26 July 2011

It's all about florals

This summer I bought more items with floral prints than in my entire life :) This vintage dress is my favourite right now, altough it's three sizes bigger, I tied the cord around my waist and it now has a shape.

În această vară mi-am cumpărat mai multe haine cu imprimeu floral decat in toata viata mea:) Rochia asta vintage este preferata mea acum, deşi e cu vreo 3 masuri mai mare, i-am legat cordonul in jurul taliei şi i-am dat o forma. 

headband - Meli Melo, bag - Avon, plimsolls - H&M, laces - Accessorize

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Casual sunset

No, I'm not such a big fan of Lady Gaga, I just liked the T-shirt.. and it's long enough to be worn with tights :)
On the other hand, the girls from Bucharest Style featured me in their Inspirational style section. You can check the post here! Thanks again Sil & Ral! Kisses ><

Nu, nu sunt fanul numarul 1 Lady Gaga, mi-a placut doar tricoul .. plus ca e suficient de lung pentru a fi purtat cu colanti :)
Trebuie sa va spun ca fetele de la Bucharest Style au facut un mini-interviu cu mine în secţiunea lor Inspirational Style. Vezi aici articolul! Multumesc inca o data Sil & Ral! Va puuup ><

tee - Glow, plimsolls & sunglasses - H&M, random tights, shoe laces - Accessorize

Monday, 18 July 2011

Making of... Comunitatea fashionistelor video

Although I am free as a bird (meaning I finished school) I can't find time to do anything I planned for this summer: more fashion posts, some beauty-related posts, some DIY projects... I just indulge in doing nothing :)
Well, it's about time I keep my promises: here are some behind the scenes photos from the video you saw in the previous post - an invitation to join Comunitatea Fashionistelor. We filmed in Cismigiu, it took us about 4 hours but it was all worth it, as I am very proud of the result. 

Deşi sunt libera ca o pasărea cerului (adică am terminat-o cu facultatea), tot nu pot să găsesc timp pentru a face ce am planificat pentru aceasta vara: mai multe posturi pe blog, unele din ele legate de beauty, nu doar fashion, proiecte DIY ... pur si simplu ma rasfat facand... nimic:)
Ei bine, ar cam fi timpul să-mi tin promisiunile: o sa va arat fotografiile din spatele filmarii din postul anterior - invitaţia de a va alătura Comunitatii Fashionistelor. Am filmat in Cismigiu, a durat vreo 4 ore, dar totul a meritat, sunt foarte mandra de ce a iesit!
photocredit: Anaivilo
photocredit: Andreea
 maxi skirt - H&M, cardigan - vintage, boots - Asos, clutch & earrings- Oriflame;
bracelets - Avon + friendship bracelelts from highschool
Exercising our "Sex and the city" walk...I was the only one wearing pastels, all the other girls were so colourful!! // Exersam mersul din Sex and the city... am fost singura imbracata in culori mai potolite, toate fetele erau atat de colorate!!
photocredit: Alex Buruntia

For other post about this event go to:// Pt alte postari despre eveniment, vizitati:

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Launch party for Comunitatea fashionistelor (Community of Fashionistas)

The launch party for the Community of Fashionistas took place at Cafepedia, a couple of weeks ago. Not only that the wonderful Oana from DivaHair invited me to this event, but she also had a suprise for me: an award for being the most active fashionista of the community. After presenting the video we shot in Cismigiu ( you'll see the making of in the next post), she asked for Andreea and me to come upfront and to receive our awards. I got a great clutch from Dasha.ro, Tigi hair products from CareSpot.ro and a voucher from Margotte.ro.
It was a great evening, we drank Cointreaupolitans, ate a delicious cake and talked a loooot, not because of the alcohol, but because we are now getting to know each other and we have a lot to tell :)
The dress code was Be Glamorous, so I chose a vintage sparkly dress, Zara heels, Avon sequined clutch and of course, my dark violet lipstick <3

Petrecerea de lansare pentru Comunitatea Fashionistelor a avut loc la Cafepedia, in urma cu vreo doua săptămâni. Nu numai minunata Oana de la DivaHair m-a invitat la acest eveniment, dar a avut, de asemenea, o surpriză pentru mine: un premiu pentru ca am fost cea mai activa fashionista a comunităţii. După ce a prezentat materialul video pe care l-am filmat in Cismigiu (detalii despre el in postul urmator), ne-a rugat pe Andreea şi pe mine să venim in fata pt a ne ridica premiile. Am  primit un plic Dasha.ro, produse de păr de la Tigi - CareSpot.ro şi un voucher de la Margotte.ro.
A fost o seara superba, am baut Cointreaupolitans, am mâncat din tortul delicios şi a vorbit muuuuult, nu din cauza alcoolului, ci pentru că abia acum ne cunoaştem şi avem multe de spus :)
Dress code -ul a fost Fii Glamorous, aşa că am ales o rochie vintage sclipitoare, tocuri Zara, clutch cu paieteAvon şi, bineînţeles, rujul meu violet inchis <3

photos made by Sandra, she had some trouble with the camera, as you can see, but I kinda like the result; I also can't stop laughing at my legs in the last photo :)) // pozele astea au fost facute de Sandra, a avut ceva probleme cu camera, dupa cum se vede, dar imi place ce a iesit; plus ca nu ma pot opri din ras cand imi vad picioarele in ultima poza :))


I posted the video below, it's a sort of introduction to the Community of Fashionistas and it describes the steps to follow it you want to become a fashionista! // Am pus si materialul video, e o introducere in Comunitatea fahsionistelor; puteti vedea si care sunt pasii pe care trebuie sa ii urmati pt a intra in Comunitate! 

DIVA HAIR - Comunitatea Fashionistelor from www.ADOM.ro on Vimeo.

My special moment... Thank you again, Oana! // Momentul meu special.. Iti multumesc din nou, Oana!
 Del'ice cake

  at the end, group photos!
 with Oliviana and the lovely Oana

 Simona made jokes because we were taller than her :) but she was more naked :))

Monday, 4 July 2011

Black Swan

I'm really into dark lipsticks these days. And when Ana came up with the idea of this cool make up for THE PROM, I just had to embrace it! So, once again, thanks a lot, Ana! I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves - the last one was made at 5 AM :)

Au inceput sa-mi placa tare mult rujurile inchise la culoare. Atunci când Ana a venit cu ideea acestui make-up pt BALUL DE ABSOLVIRE, nu am putut sa spun decat DA! Deci, încă o dată, mulţumesc foarte mult, Ana! O sa las pozele sa vorbeasca de la sine - sa stiti doar ca ultima a fost facuta la 5 dimineata :)

dress - Asos BLACK; shoes - Asos; clutch - H&M; 
earrings & bracelet - Parfois; ring - Meli Melo

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