Monday, 27 February 2012

Going down the stairs

Today wasn't such a good day for taking pictures, as the sun wasn't decent enough to appear on the sky. But somehow after going up and down the stairs for three-four times, trying to get a decent shot, I ended up with a big smile upon my face. So, thank you my beautiful R., for spending a great afternoon together!
As for the outfit, nothing special, some lace, some animal print and a heavy knitted cardigan to keep me warm. The scarf was a bonus, I just tied it around my neck 'cause it matched my hair :))

Ziua de azi nu a fost prea buna pentru poze, cum soarele n-a avut decenta sa apara pe cer. Dar cumva, dupa ce am urcat si coborat niste scari de vreo 3-4 ori, incercand sa prind o poza OK, m-am trezit cu un mare zambet pe buze. Asadar, iti multumesc frumoasa mea R., pentru o dupa-amiaza superba petrecuta impreuna!
Despre tinuta, nimic special, niste dantela, putin animal print si un pulover gros sa-mi tina cald. Esarfa am adaugat-o la final pentru ca mergea cu parul :))

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Manicure freak

As the weather is showing us it's "negative" side for a couple of weeks [ you already know that, because lately "the weather" subject has overcome it's initial purpose as a small-talk with your neighbours or your grannies, by becoming everybody's biggest complaint ], I decided not to let my ass or my legs freeze "in the name of fashion", and wore only comfy and somehow-boring clothes. Thus, no outfit posts!  (that should be the good news, right? :))) But another idea came to my mind: to show you my latest manicures.

Hope you'll enjoy them and get inspired to try something else next time you do your nails :) Anyway, you should know that:
1. those are my natural nails, no gel/acrylic/tips/anything fake;
2. I personally made all of them, without any help;
3. I don't cut my cuticles, never had and never will;
4. I used 2 special nail polishes: one for the matte effect and one for the cracked one;
5. my secret for stronger nails is using a glass nail file.

Cum vremea ne arata partea ei "negativa" de cateva saptamani [stiti deja asta, pentru ca in ultimul timp "vremea" nu mai e doar subiectul ala de baza de discutat cu vecinii sau bunicile, ci e izvorul de nemultumire pentru toata lumea], am decis sa nu-mi las picioarele sau fundul sa sufere "in numele modei", si am purtat numai haine confortabile si cumva plictisitoare. Asa ca azi nu am poze cu o tinuta (asta ar trebui sa fie vestea cea buna, nu? :))) Dar o idee mai bună a venit in minte: sa va arat cum mi-am facut unghiile in ultima vreme.

Sper sa va placa si sa va inspire sa incercati si altceva data viitoare va faceti manichiura :) Trebuie sa mai stiti ca:
1. astea sunt unghiile mele naturale, fara gel/acril/orice fals;
2. am facut personal toate modelele, fara ajutor;
3. nu-mi tai cuticulele, nu a facut-o niciodata si nici n-o voi face;
4. am folosit 2 oje mai speciale: una pentru un efect mat si una care "crapa";
5. secretul meu pentru unghii puternice este pila de unghii din sticla.

Union Jack wannabe

Double Denim

White is the new Black
Pessimistic French
To Dot or Not To Dot
Lilac Scented Dreams
Purple with Envy
 Before Glitter there was Nothing

You can see older manicures on my facebook album.

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