Saturday, 11 June 2011

God made me funky

The name of the post comes from a song me and Vlad love..
You know those mornings when you wake up and suddenly a songs pops up in your head? This happened to me the other day, and I dressed according to my state of mind. 
If someone would ask me to describe my style, I would say, like 99% of people, that my style is undefined, I can dress in such different ways from punk to ultra feminine/retro, yet there's a style I love the most and that's the funky style... it's not a very precise term, but I have my own definition: strong, yet simple, playfull, somehow unconventional/unusual.

Numele postului vine de la o melodie pe care eu si Vlad o iubim ..  
Stii diminetile alea cand te trezesti brusc cu un cântec în cap? Asta mi s-a întâmplat si mie in acea zi, şi m-am îmbrăcat corespunzator.
Dacă cineva mi-ar cere sa descriu stilul meu, spune, la fel ca 99% din oameni, ca este unul nedefinit, ma imbrac în moduri atât de diferite, de la punk la ultra feminin/retro, dar exista un stil care îmi place cel mai mult şi asta e stilul funky ... nu este un termen foarte precis, dar am propria mea definitie: puternic, dar simplu,
jucaus, oarecum neconventional/neobisnuit.

And now meet Zorro, one of the few dogs I'm not afraid of... he didn't even care about me being there // Cainele mare si negru, pe numele lui Zorro, e printre singurii de care nu mi-e frica... dovada ca nici nu ma baga in sema :)

hat, top & plimsolls - H&M; shoe laces - Accessorize; vest - vintage;
leggings - no name;  rings - Parfois/Oriflame; necklaces - Swarovski, Avon

Vlad and I

THE song:


  1. Did u do smth to ur hair? U look great! ;x

  2. yep, I'm blonde again. It's an intermediate version of me, I'm planning on a lighter shade :D and I also changed my hairstyle :p xoxo

  3. You look awsome, I just love this style....

  4. I loooove it too, it's the closest to my heart, but I have other types of clothes in my weardrobe and it would be dull to have the same style everyday :) :p xoxo

  5. Imi place cum iti sta cu acea palarie! CHiar e foarte funky :D Am avut si eu pasiunea cu stilul asta dar am ajuns la concluzia ca nu ma prinde prea bine. Tie iti sta super! Abia astept sa ne revedem :D

  6. @Anaivilo: Tu esti ft feminina si delicata si asa iti sade bine :X va trimit pozele pe mail acum. ti pup :*


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