As I finally finished (and passed :D) all my exams, I indulged myself with the latest posts in the blogosphere and I decided to give you a big one of my own. So, here it goes: I styled up three different outfits with one of my favourite pair of shoes, my red wedges from Stradivarius.
In sfarsit am dat (si luat :D) toate examenele, asa ca mi-am permis sa ma pun la curent cu ultimele noutati din blogosfera, si, de asemenea, sa pregatesc un post URIAS: am compus 3 otufituri cu pantofii mei preferati, platformele rosii de la Stradivarius.
The first one can be worn for a walk in the park, or for a nice evening out in the big city with your friends. //Primul poate fi purtat la o plimbare in parc sau intr-o seara petrecuta in oras alaturi de prieteni.
shirt - Veromoda, shorts - George, bag - Debenhams, sunnies - Bershka
Peekaboo :):):)
Next, a vintage look created with more modern items, perfect for school or work. // Mai departe, un look vintage compus din piese noi, perfect pt scoala sau serviciu :)
skirt - Mango, top - Atmosphere, blazer - no name, tights - Penti, sunnies - vintage
Aim for the stars!! ( in my case the sun)
The flirty/ lady-like outfit - wear it on a date and DO add some red lipstick! // Tinuta feminina/ cocheta - asorteaz-o neaparat cu un ruj rosu!
dress- Atmosphere, cardigan - Reserved, birdies necklace - vintage,
watch - casio, ring - Accessorise, belt - no name
PS: I still won't go back to my normal posting because I still have my final exam. Wish me luck!! // Nu o sa revin inca la frecventa de dinainte cu postarile, pt ca inca mai am de dat licenta. Tineti-mi pumnii!!