For me, a wild night almost always translates into wearing some sort of animal print (as in "made to resemble the pattern of the skin/fur/feathers of an animal/bird"): leopard, zebra, giraffe, peacock, snakeskin, I love them all!!!
It seems every season designers focus on one of this prints, this fall&winter it's all about snakeskin and guess what? I already have a great shirt and some shorts bought long time ago... yeah, baby, they're back in fashion!
Pentru mine, o noapte salbatica aproape intotdeauna a insemnat sa port un fel de animal print (adica un imprimeu " facut sa semene cu pielea/ blana/ penele unui animal/ unei pasari"): leopard, zebra, girafa, paun, sarpe, le iubesc pe toate!!!!
Se pare ca in fiecare sezon designerii pun accentul pe unul din aceste printuri; in aceasta toamna si iarna este vorba de pielea de şarpe şi ghici ce? Am deja o camasa superba si niste pantaloni scurti cumparati cu mult timp în urmă ... oh da, sunt din nou la moda!!
(wild pictures included// poze salbatice incluse)
Have I ever told you how obsessed I am about doing my manicure? Well, you probably realised that from my previous 2 posts :)) // V-am spus cat sunt de obsedata sa-mi fac manichiura? Probabil v-ati dat seama din ultimele 2 postari :))