Friday, 7 December 2012

Staccato by Ground Zero - The event

Finally, here are the photos from the Staccato event: it was all about shoes and having fun. I got to meet some of my readers and we all had big trouble in finding the right pair of shoes, with so many models to choose from. 
You already know how much I love the collection by Ground Zero. To my surprise, while looking through the store at their regular autumn-winter collection, I really liked what I saw and put my eyes on a couple of pairs I must have! Staccato shoes are made of leather both outside and inside and they are so comfortable! Santa, did you hear that?!
With a litle help from the girls, I chose the burgundy ankle boots and they have become my all time favourite pair of shoes.

In sfarsit, iata si pozele de la evenimentul Staccato: multi pantofi si multe zambete. Le-am intalnit pe cateva dintre cititoarele mele si ne-a fost greu tuturor sa alegem prechea de pantofi potrivita.
Stiti deja cat de mult imi place colectia facute de brandul Ground Zero. Spre suprinderea mea, cat m-am uitat prin magazin la colectia normala toamna- iarna, am gasit multe modele care mi-au placut, la cateva chiar mi-a ramas gandul. Toate perechile sunt din piele atat exterior si interior, plus ca sunt foarte comode!! Mos Craciun, ai auzit?!
Cu putin ajutor din partea fetelor, am ales botinele burgundy, care deja au devenit preferatele mele!

And, of course, some INSTAGRAM pics:
Don't forget to follow me @dana_leatherandlace

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Healthy Narcissism

Today I've decided to become a narcissistic. But not just any kind: I shall become a healthy narcissistic.

As Freud said, liking oneself is a precondition for liking others. We all need a bit of narcissim, a bit of overwhelming self esteem - to feel good about ourselves and to believe we can do anything. It's about self acceptance and self control.
What you have to do:
  • take a deeper look in the mirror and realise you have such beautiful eyes or maybe great cheekbones
  • think of your latest achievement and congratulate yourself for being able to complete it
  • look again in the mirror - this time at your body, find your greatest quality, be proud of it and use it to your advantage; if you have a small waist, always emphasize it with a belt; if you have a great "derrière", you should wear pencil skirts; and if you have a great hourglass figure you will rock a bodycon dress
  • be sincere to yourself! at least once a week spend some quality time with yourself, and think of the things that made you happy and make them happen again
  • take 2 hours free from the rest of the world and do whatever you love doing without letting anyone interrupt you
  • be sincere with the people you know and you'll develop great relationships; if something bothers you and you don't talk about it, you will just end up frustrated
  • set a tangible goal for the next month and indulge yourself when you achieve it
  • laugh a lot or at least smile!
  • take a photo with the front camera of your phone and post it on Instagram; you'll feel good when you see how many like you get

In the end, forgive me for the big amount of photos in this post - I absolutely adore every single one of them!! I worked with such a great-patient-talented photographer and this is the result, thank you again, RR!!

Bonus: a picture I made with my phone:

Tuesday, 20 November 2012


What happens when drawings become reality? Well, just look at the shoes below, even Cinderella would die for them! I love love love this collaboration between Staccato and Ground Zero, there isn't a single pair I wouldn't wear!!

Ce se intampla aunci cand desenele devin realitate? Pai, uitati-va la pantofii de mai jos, pana si Cenusareasa si-ar dori sa-i aiba! Imi place enorm colaborarea dintre Staccato si Ground Zero, nu este nici o pereche pe care n-as purta-o!!
O sa am nevoie de sfatul tau in a alege perechea potrivita, vineri 23 noiembrie la ora 17:00, in cadrul unei sesiuni private de shopping la magazinul din Afi Palace. Ne vom rasfata cu ceva dulce si cu noua colectie, precum si o mica supriza :)  Pentru a participa, trebuie sa:
1. dai like paginii Leather and Lace
2. dai like paginii Staccato Romania
3. sa lasi un comentariu mai jos cu adresa ta de email.

Simplu, nu? Mini-concursul se incheie joi 22 noiembrie la ora 20:00.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Pretty morning

There's just something about the morning light that makes me wake up early and do a shooting. Of course I wore night clothes and pretended I never slept, drank my brains out and lost my purse, but hey, I still have my BONE necklace and that's all that matters!

**thank you RR for the photos!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Anna Dello Russo for H&M

The collection will enter the selected stores from tomorrow, October 4th! Which bling-bling is your favourite?

I was wearing: H&M pants & necklace, Asos Bag, Zara heels, vintage shirt

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